Has it been awhile since you updated your website? Here are some tips for giving your site a fresh new look.
Are people finding your website? This has to do with your site being optimized so Google can read it right? If it’s been a few years since your website was first created, it’s important to make sure your website is optimized the include the right key words and phrases. Google updates their algorithms (formulas used to help people find your site). By updating your website you not only make sure you are being found for key words but you may also make sure your website can’t be hacked.
Is your website mobile friendly?
It is reported that over 60 perfect of searches are done on a mobile device. Think about how and when you search. If websites are hard to read on your phone, you probably will search a different place. But, it the phone number is easy to call (add click to call), or website easy to copy and paste, a new customer might contact you. For ecommerce sites, make sure your check out and navigation is easy. I shop from my phone and it’s not easy to check out from Target.com that I find myself shopping from Amazon since checkout and viewing products is so simple.
Link to social media
Social media is a must for showing credibility of your business. I say to pick 2 platforms that your target market is on and do those platforms well. For a hair dresser, Instagram might be their #1 platform since they can take photos, post them and hashtag in minutes. While a construction company might use Facebook to show project updates and link it to a full gallery of photos. Social media shows your clients what is new and exciting with your business.
Any updates on new products, services or staff
Have you ever visited a website and called about a service to find out it wasn’t available anymore? It’s important to update prices, products, pictures and description of all your services. Go through each page and make sure the information is up to date and correct.
New content needed? Try a blog. Google likes to see fresh new content. Start a blog to highlight the latest and greatest things your company does.
Have a service business, add testimonials. People like to see what other people have to say about a product or service before they buy things. I was just looking to buy a new work jacket online and I read the reviews about sizing, fit and how washable it was. There was also a video that showed the model wearing the jacket and modeling it from back to front. The more positive things you can say about your business the better it will look and sound.
Want to increase business? Try email marketing by adding a call to action button. Who doesn’t love a good deal? Research shows that when people are offered a discount or think they are saving money, they are more likely to purchase a product. Offer discounts and special through email marketing, highlight a special staff member or keep customers up to date with company news with email marketing. It’s another great way to be on the minds of your customers.
Do you sell something? Add an ecommerce store. Is there a unique product or service that you sell? Make the sales process easier with an online store. Gift cards are a great thing to also sell on an online store. If you have out of town customers who like your product, an online store let’s them buy your product from home.
Can’t get a hold of your web designer? Let’s put the website back in your hands to control. If you love these great ideas but can’t get a hold of the person who made your website, let’s chat! We like to give the client control of their website, help out where we can, and give you the tools to be in the drivers seat!
Still not sure about what new looks your website needs? Let’s evaluate your site. Contact us today for a free evaluation.